Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Trump: If They're Brown, Let Them Drown

By Sniffles

"The people of Puerto Rico" are not only US citizens — they are REPUBLICANS.

Well, okay, not all of them. But as this photo from the 2008 Republican Convention confirms, the US territory of Puerto Rico is not only home to 3.5 million Americans, it sends enthusiastic delegations to both national conventions every four years. (Maybe we can work on that statehood thing? Just asking.)

Meanwhile, is it possible that the psychopath in the White House doesn't know this? Is that why he spent the weekend screaming about football players instead of worrying about the American humanitarian crisis that's probably already erupting 1,600 miles from the US mainland?

And can we all just make a major note of the fact that on Sunday Hillary Rodham Clinton urged the government to send the USNS Comfort — a Navy hospital ship — to Puerto Rico to help? Apparently, someone in the administration listened. (Probably Secretary of Defense Mattis, but who knows?) Anyway, the ship is going.

Hillary Clinton, who should be President but isn't, is behaving more like the President than the current occupant of the Oval Office.

Meanwhile, we're proud to report that our Governor, Andrew Cuomo, has already kickstarted Puerto Rico relief efforts — not waiting for the racists in Trump World to realize that, in the words of Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez, Hurricane Maria is "going to be Trump's Katrina."

Oh, sigh. Will the nation survive until November 2018? November 2020? Will either or both of those elections be compromised by Russian interference as 2016 was? We cats are on tenterhooks, and we HISS.

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