Tuesday, September 19, 2017


By Zamboni

We cats agree with Hillary Clinton that the 2016 election was seriously compromised and possibly invalid. Vladimir Putin, Paul Manafort, the Mercers, Steve Bannon, Cambridge Analytica — the puzzle pieces are known, we just need somebody to put them all together.

Meanwhile, we want Secretary Clinton to keep speaking out, and we hope that Americans will soon learn all the details they'll need to understand that Donald Drumpf is an illegitimate President. In our hearts, we know he is — especially on a day like today, when he embarrasses all of us at the United Nations. (Drumpf's threat to destroy another country is an, um, interesting use of the UN platform. It must have had Eleanor Roosevelt and Harry Truman spinning in their graves.)

But even knowing that the US is saddled with a fraudulent fool, we still think it's funny that the country Secretary Clinton cited with a recently overturned election was Kenya! Would America's most famous birther gets the irony? Probably not. We cats enjoy a few Cheshire grins about that, and we PURR.

(IMAGE: UN delegates today? Or "Springtime for Hitler"?)

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