Thursday, June 5, 2008

"How Do We Beat the Bitch?"

By Sniffles

It's truly amazing what short memories T.V. pundits have. Or how stupid they are. Or both.

In all their breathless, quisquilian chatter about whether disappointed female supporters of Senator Clinton will vote for John McCain rather than for Senator Obama this fall, we've yet to hear one of them ask the following question:

How in the world could Clinton fans go for the guy in this video?

"Excellent question," McCain responds to the beat-the-bitch questioner — after the laughter dies down.

Okay, we know this happened about six months ago. But, please. Journalists make enough money. They can afford a computer and an Internet connection and a visit to YouTube.

We HISS at the idiocy of the punditocracy. And by the way, Senator McCain, it's Democratic party — not "Democrat."

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