Friday, September 26, 2008

Stranger than Strangelove

By Baxter

Seeking to decipher the conduct of the McCain campaign these last 72 hours, we cats have received some excellent advice. "It's useless to try to explain the behavior of irrational people."

That's definitely true. What bothers us, though, is that these same irrational people are asking American voters to put their fingers on the nuclear button.

We don't know about you, but we'd sure rather have the guy who kept his cool this week — instead of an ultimatum-issuing old fraud who raced around like a chicken and (apparently unsuccessfully) tried to score political points from a national crisis. The fact that this man is backed up by a scripted wacko who makes George W. Bush look erudite is even more unsettling.

Memo to Senator McCain: Please stop. Halloween isn't even here yet, but you're scaring us already.

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