On the Friday before a holiday weekend, we cats are mystified by the irony of it all. Can it really be that a Democratic President who never bleated "Drill, baby, drill" is getting hammered from all sides for this BP disaster? And here are a few other questions that are occurring to us:
Now that the tar balls are reaching the beaches, how soon will we hear the chorus of voices rise to condemn FOX "News" anchor Brit Hume for being an idiot? (Why do we think the answer is "never"?)
Did James Carville and Mary Matalin decide that their act had gotten a little stale, and the best way to spice it up would be for James to lambaste a Democratic President? (We cats suspect "yes.")
Is there a bigger non-story than the Sestak thing? Good heavens, people, welcome to the world.
Can itinerant political hack Mo Elleithee be drummed out of the Democratic Party for saying that the famous quitter from Alaska is right — about anything? (Somehow we think Clueless Mo doesn't really know who Joe McGinniss is. "Voyeuristic" isn't the first adjective for him that occurs to us. "Distinguished journalist and author," maybe.)
Are we pleased that the House has passed repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"? You betcha.
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