Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lisa's Revenge?

By Miss Kubelik

Since the current Senate has already pretty much gone to the dogs — what with the "country first" GOP forcing the Democratic majority to pass everything by 60 votes for the past 18 months — we cats have come up with an interesting thought for when Congress reconvenes in January.

The idea dawned on us when we heard that Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska is just a teensy bit miffed that her party deserted her after teabagger Joe Miller beat her in the August primary. Not only that, but the GOP establishment is continuing to toss money Miller's way — to force a recount, disenfranchise Native Americans or, at least, keep the election results from being certified — all because they're too chicken to face down Murkowski's arch nemesis, the famous quitter who used to be Governor.

There being no doubt in our little cat minds that Lisa will make it back to Washington as a successfully re-elected Senator, we have a suggestion for her. Ma'am, if you really feel like getting back at Cornyn and DeMint and the chinless wonder from Kentucky, you could.

Since the Democrats will retain the majority with 53 seats, all you have to do to reach the magic number of 60 — which alas, we assume will continue to be necessary — is cobble together a caucus of somewhat reasonable Republicans and conservative-leaning Democrats and bring 'em to the table.

Let's call them the Murkowski Red Dogs. Here are a few potential members: Scott Brown, Susan Collins, Mark Kirk, Ben Nelson, Joe Lieberman, Richard Lugar and Olympia Snowe. That's seven right there. Add you, and it would be eight.

We cats are not usually impressed by dogs, but you and the Red Dogs might make the Senate worth watching next year. You'd be able to A) wield some well-deserved vengeful power, B) make Mitch McConnell's life miserable, and C) counter the newly elected teabaggers, who as we know are all barking mad.

What do you think, Senator? We cats are panting to hear.

(IMAGE: Clifford, of course!)

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