Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tidbits and Cat Treats — Rainy Sunday Evening Edition

By Baxter

We cats are curled up together on the family room sofa, napping the late afternoon away. But it doesn't mean we don't have opinions about things.

Case in point: We find the fulminating from the right wing of the U.S. Supreme Court about whether or not to attend next month's State of the Union address disingenuous, to say the least. You can bet that the Roberts-Thomas-Scalia-Alito butts will be fast in their front-row seats the next time a Republican President delivers that address.

So, dead racist and anti-Semite Richard Nixon makes rude comments about blacks and Jews on the most recently released White House tapes, and we're still waiting for journalists to ask Michael Steele or Eric Cantor what the hell they're doing in that political party. Good thing we cats aren't holding our breath on that.

Awwww, poor John Boehner is all upset that President Obama said the Congressional Republicans were holding everybody hostage over tax breaks for the rich. We have no pity, Eyeliner Man — you don't exactly deserve politeness. For example, we're wondering when anyone in your party is going to condemn those strident teabagger signs, or disavow the latest "birther" guy, or castigate those Kansas mental cases who picket funerals.

Finally, we cats are amazed. Former Democratic Senator Sam Nunn has come out in favor of the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." My, my, how things change. When Sam was in the Senate, he was to the right of half of the GOP caucus there. Now he appears to stand far, far, far to the left of the mavericky multiple homeowner from Arizona. Who should crawl in a hole somewhere and never come out, by the way. We cats SNARL at him.

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