Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dear FOX: The Freepers Hate You Now

By Baxter

Goodness gracious. We cats love it when the madcap wingnuts over at Free Republic write our posts for us.

Since the "pundints" (as the famous killer from Alaska would say) have universally praised the President's speech last night — including the ultra-conservative, and perennially creepy, columnist for The Washington Post, Charles Krauthammer — we thought it would be amusing to see what the Freepers thought.

Here are some of the highlights from the right-wing rubber room.

"I was very disappointed in Fox, especially Brit Hume."

"I expected better from Brit, also."

"Brit Hume has become real left leaning lately. I have no respect for his spin."

"I think everyone knew that the Fox All-Stars would gush over Bowrams's [sic] speech. Especially, Krauthammer. And, they didn't disappoint. Krauthammer, the leftist on the panel, always gushes over anything said by Bowrama [sic]."

"I had to turn off the round table discussion on FNC. It was simply gay."

"Kraut[hammer]... is definitely a snob. And is most likely somewhat bigoted towards most Americans who do not live on the East and West Coast, are evangelical, are undereducated, southern, and blue collar. You know, he feels the same as most NY Jews."

Finally, the piece de resistance. We cats are quoting it in full because it is just so incredibly divorced from reality. In other words, so Loughnerian.

"I canceled TV over a year ago because they all suck and they all support Hussein... Full out fawning, idol worship and propaganda. Fox is no better. It is sickening how ALL of TV does whatever he wants and jumps through hoops to provide him with total propaganda. It is sick. The real #1 economic/social/political problem in America besides liberalism is him. I think at this point Rush is the only person with the guts and power to stand up to him. If people keep paying their cable and sat TV bill then they are support [sic] the media destroying Palin and helping the islamic [sic]."

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