Monday, August 15, 2011

Freepers Blast Buffett

By Zamboni

Jeepers, we thought we might find a few Warren Buffett fans over at our favorite whackjob corner of the Internet, Free Republic. After all, don't all right wingers — even (or perhaps especially) those who live in trailers — admire incredibly rich guys?

But nay — nay. The Freepers are all over Mr. B for patriotically asking Congress to tax him more. Below are a few of their choicer nuggets. Gosh, do these people like anybody? It must take an awful lot of energy to be so perpetually angry.

(Speaking of which, when we cats have a little more time on our hands, we promise we'll investigate how the Freeps feel about Michele Bachmann's win in the Iowa straw poll — and what, in their tiny little minds, it means for Saint Sarah. Stay tuned!)

"Buffett is so lame. Listening to him talk is more tiresome than mowing grass."

"You no longer are the Oracle of Omaha. You now, sir, are the FOSSIL OF OH-MAHA!"

"He is a lying SOB. Start taking his frigging money and see how loud he screams."

"Buffet [sic] is rich but not smart."

"Hey you old fool, start by sending all of that money you funneled to obama [sic] and democrats [sic] to the treasury."

Finally, here's our favorite:

"Why don’t we just arrest Buffett — and his family — throw them all in the Gulag. Look at all the billions we can get back."


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