Thursday, September 5, 2013

Transvaginal Bob McDonnell Still Hates Women, But Caves On Gays

By Baxter

Wow! Maybe it's the fact that he's being hounded to death by federal investigators, but Governor "Transvaginal Bob" McDonnell of Virginia has just had a personality change.

He's announced that, following Defense Department policy in the wake of the Supreme Court's marriage-equality decisions this summer, the Virginia National Guard will offer health insurance and other benefits to same-sex couples. And he's written a letter to super-right-wing Delegate Robert Marshall to tell him so.

We cats think this is great. Not just because Transvaginal Bob might be trying to look like a good guy while the feds decide whether or not to indict him — but because he's apparently recognized that Money Rules All. “Ninety percent of the funding for the state National Guard comes from the federal government, so we intend to follow all of the DOD guidelines," he told reporters.

We cats rushed to Free Republic to read the fringe-y Christian outrage — but sadly, the Freeps haven't gotten wind of this yet. Stay tuned, though, because we're sure that they will.

So! Our only other question is: When will the press ask Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken "I-Love-Fetuses-But-Hate-the-Women-Who-Carry-Them" Cuccinelli how he feels about his boss's decision on gay Guards? Surely he can't approve!

This is going to be a very interesting election. We cats PURR.

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