Thursday, May 1, 2014

GOP: Dishes Out, Can't Take

By Miss Kubelik

We cats have been intrigued by Virginia Republicans' responses to recent actions by our new Democratic Attorney General, Mark Herring — and rumored actions by our new Democratic Governor, Terry McAuliffe.

Oops, perhaps rather than use the word "responses" we should say "freak-outs." Because that's what they're doing.

Herring, who is boldly going where no state attorney general has gone since Ken "Let's Choose Fetuses Over Women" Cuccinelli, took matters into his own hands and declined in January to defend the commonwealth's ban on marriage equality. Then, this week, he opened in-state tuition assistance to children of illegal immigrants.

The GOP, of course, is outraged. See, it was okay when Cootchy colored outside the lines — he was one of them! (Republicans surely are still whining that Herring won the AG election only after a recount. Of course, he finished ahead in that recount...unlike a certain 43rd President we know.)

Meanwhile, rumors are flying that Governor McAuliffe will explore ways to expand Medicaid coverage to 400,000 needy Virginians without the legislature's stamp of approval. That's what they are: rumors. But Republicans are — well, you know.

We cats will reserve judgment on the Governor's strategy until we actually know what it is. But we wonder: Why is it that when Democrats go a little rogue, it's because they want to help others — but when Republicans do it, it's to restrict people's rights? We cats HISS.

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