Thursday, January 29, 2015


By Miss Kubelik

It's amusing how Republicans are shocked, shocked to "discover" that the Famous Quitter from Alaska is an idiot. She gives an incoherent speech at Steve King's KKK rally in Iowa this past weekend, and suddenly they're forced to admit publicly that their 2008 Presidential nominee, his campaign and their national party were all willing to put an utter fool next in line to the Oval Office.

We cats call that endangering the country. Maybe even treason. But then we remembered that the Republicans had done it before. (On the other hand, Sarah Palin makes Dan Quayle look like Stephen Hawking.)

Which got us to thinking: Aside from the Famous Quitter and Quayle, in just the last 20 years the GOP has managed to nominate an Ayn Rand acolyte, a sadist and a football player to the number-two spot on their ticket. They all had their problems — particularly the sadist — but basic brain power probably wasn't one of them. (Interestingly, politically, the football player would probably not be welcome in the Republican Party of today. Just sayin'.)

In contrast, allow us Democratic cats to review some of our recent Vice Presidential nominees. Joe Biden served a thousand years in the Senate and chaired the Foreign Relations Committee for hundreds of them. Joe Lieberman was a 1964 Freedom Rider whom the Republicans came to love. President Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize. Lloyd Bentsen was a distinguished Senator and Cabinet member (and we all know what Lloyd is most famous for.) Before groundbreaker Geraldine Ferraro came to Congress, she worked her way through night law school and later prosecuted rapists, wife beaters and child abusers.

We admit that John Edwards is a scoundrel and a pretty boy — but as everyone who's ever faced him in a courtroom knows, there's perspicacity under that perfect hair. You'd have to go all the way back to 1972 to find somebody who was a real problem — and George McGovern removed him from the ticket, dooming the Democrats' slim chances against Richard Nixon forever.

In short, it seems clear that our Presidential nominees have given serious thought to whether their veeps were up to taking the reins of power, and willing to admit for the good of the country if they picked wrong. The Republicans? They nominated Sarah Palin. We cats HISS.

P.S.: We couldn't resist — we checked on our friends over at Free Republic, to see how they're reacting to the GOP's Palin abandonment. Would they, too, finally throw in the towel on their sainted Famous Quitter? We were thrilled to see that the answer was no. We cats PURR.

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