Friday, August 25, 2017

Yes — Constitutionally, We're In The Twilight Zone

By Zamboni

We cats aren't sure that the 25th amendment is "hooey" or that it provides for Jonathan Turley's "impulse buy" removals of Presidents. By our read, sufficient hurdles exist in the 25th to keep the US from changing out chief executives willy-nilly. (And oh, by the way, the amendment also tells us what to do when the Vice Presidency becomes vacant. We remember that happening back in 1973 — so it came in handy.)

But we'll grant that the 25th or even impeachment are pretty unrealistic right now. Republicans control Congress, hence the hooey. But even if Democrats were in control, we'd still end up with a Drumpf Administration — i.e., President Pence (ugh!), which is something that Americans, by more than three million, voted against last year.

The sad truth is that there is simply no Constitutional remedy for a Presidential election corrupted by a hostile foreign power and a willing posse of Quisling Republican collaborators. There just isn't. Instead, the remedy lies in beating these monsters at the ballot box — in 2018, 2020 and beyond.

Which means it's up to the people. (Well, up to you. We are cats.)

So, what are you guys waiting for? Get to work! We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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