Sunday, May 5, 2019

Indiana Kills Babies!

By Miss Kubelik

How ironic that a person named "Vice President Mike Pence," who used to be "Indiana Governor Mike Pence," chooses to tweet about how Democrats love to commit infanticide.

Ironic because we decided to look up Indiana's infant mortality rate, and take it from us, it's not pretty.

At 7.3 percent, Indiana's rate is, along with South Dakota, Ohio and most of the South, in the bottom decile nationally. Six hundred Hoosier babies needlessly died in 2017 because, among other reasons, their moms got insufficient prenatal care. Six hundred!

That's many, many more cases than the "infanticide" Pence and his merry band of misogynists could ever hope to find to back up their ridiculous "Born Alive" bill. So, who's really killing babies? We cats dump our dirty litter boxes over Mike Pence's head, and we HISS.

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