Friday, July 3, 2020

All Those Nicknames Come Home To Roost

By Miss Kubelik

If Donald Trump is famous for nothing else, it's for inventing nicknames for his enemies. Some have stuck, some haven't. But they're shorthand for his particular brand of hate-filled politics.

Now, the tables may have turned.

Faithful My Cats readers know that we've been using the nickname "Benedict Donald" for Trump for some time now. We like to think that we invented it, and, secretly, we've been wondering why it hasn't caught on. We've tweeted it and everything!

Apparently, it just needed an organization like VoteVets, which has more than 205,000 followers, to make a Fourth of July video. So today, "Benedict Donald" took off.

That's fine by us. Happy Independence Day, everyone. We cats PURR.

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