Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Joe Biden Is Perfect

By Baxter

No, not perfect all around. Just a perfect President at this time and place. Let us count the three biggest ways.

Empathy — America has been through the COVID year from hell, after nearly four years of insults, near-autocracy and cold Trumpian transactionalism. We could all use a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on. Who would be better at that than Joe?

Experience — Biden's been in Washington for 100 years and knows everybody. Even when Emily Murphy at the GSA blocked him from transition access and funding for three weeks, it caused him only a hiccup. He deftly worked around her, making good use of his long contact list and chatting up Obama folks who, after only four years out of office, hadn't strayed far. 

Expertise — Back in 2009, Joe managed America's recovery from the 2008 financial meltdown. He knows how to deal with Republican-induced economic disaster. And thanks to his service on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and his eight years as Vice President, he knows the world, and the world knows him.

P.S. On a lighter note, it doesn't matter one bit that lowlife sore losers Benedict Donald and Moose & Squirrel have refused to have the Bidens over to the White House for a coffee klatsch. Joe and Jill don't need an orientation session — they've hung out at the White House plenty of times before. And they can tell Kamala and Doug everything they need to know about the Veep's house at Observatory Circle. So who needs Trump? We cats PURR.

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