Wednesday, September 27, 2023

A Nobles Effort

By Zamboni

The state of journalism today is not good — in fact, kinda terrible — but every now and then some intrepid reporter pops up and gives us hope.

For example: It's pretty clear to all of us outside the Beltway, i.e., in Normalsville, that Republicans in Washington are desperately trying to gin up scandal about President Biden to distract from their many idiocies and failures. Thanks to them, the government is about to shut down in three days — and their potential 2024 nominee, Benedict Donald, just had his ass handed to him by a New York judge, who called him exactly what he is: a fraud.

But hey, they're not giving up just because they're a mess. Enter Ryan Nobles from NBC, who today questioned the hapless MAGA Congressman from Missouri, Jason Smith, on the so-called "evidence" against Biden that Republicans keep yammering about. The stuff they're presenting makes no sense, as Nobles's questions clearly show and Smith's awkward meltdown confirms. This encounter is truly making the rounds.

And young journalists! Please take notes: This is how it's done. Nobles didn't even let Smith get away with that "You're from NBC so you'll never believe us" crap. It sure would be great if other NBC "stars" (ahem, "Meet the Press" hosts, past and present) would follow their colleague Nobles's lead. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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