Thursday, November 16, 2023

Who Knew Atlantic City Could Be Lavish?

By Sniffles

Somebody please break it to Elise "Elsie" Stefanik that her 2022 golden boy George Santos won't be running for re-election next year. George's announcement came hard on the heels of the House Ethics Committee's 56-page report on his nefarious doings — using campaign money for "lavish" trips to Atlantic City (whut?), Botox treatments, and porn, among other things. Are these the family values that the Republican Party used to champion? What a difference a Trump makes.

One guess is that Santos's announcement was meant to buy off enough GOP votes to forestall a two-thirds vote to expel him immediately. Since we love hanging the Santos albatross around New York Republicans' necks, we're rooting for George.

But after that — what's next? Will Santos write a tell-all book, and rat out all the closeted gays on the Christian right? Or maybe a children's book? Will he get a Speakers Bureau or Newsmax commentator gig? Start a phony foundation to support "diversity" in the GOP, and pay himself $1 million? Join the faculty at Liberty University? Or serve as Ambassador to Brazil in the second Trump Administration?

(We threw that last one in for laughs.)

No predictions here, unless it's book-writing: Like Hitler, he'll probably have to do it from jail. We cats PURR.

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