Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just Because Bush Is Gone Doesn't Mean Republicans Aren't Still Stupid

By Zamboni

Ooooooh, those Republican boys who want to be President. Their ranks are a bit depleted now that Sanford and Ensign have self-immolated, but the rest of them must be huddling behind closed doors, desperately trying to figure out how to shut Sarah Palin up.

Mainly because the soon-to-be-ex Governor of Alaska, as the putative face of their party these days, is continuing to make herself (and by extension, the GOP) look like a dumbass.

I'd like to campaign for Democrats! Ms. Palin has gushed. All they have to do is agree with her rabidly right-wing views.

Our take? What an empty gesture — since we can't think of a single Democrat willing to share a dais with her. Besides, conservative Democrats all represent districts the Republicans want back.

The other funny news bite today: Palin lamented that her older son "is not a Republican."

We can only guess she means that "Track" is a member of the anti-American Alaskan Independence Party. (Like father, like son!)

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