Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"The Wild Card is Whether She Wants to... Pose as a La Raza Latina"

By Zamboni

Whew, it sure is good to know that the racism on display over at Free Republic isn't aimed just at blacks.

Our hatemonger friends the Freepers are going after Hispanics today, primarily in a thread bashing Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison for something she hasn't done yet — vote "yes" to confirm Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.

Now, we cats aren't predicting what decision Senator Hutchison will reach on Judge Sotomayor. But the Freepers are convinced that since she wants to run for Texas Governor, the Senator will approve the Judge in order to curry favor with her state's sizable Hispanic population.

But — ah, how charming they are as they discuss it. It really doesn't take long for racists to show themselves in Jim Robinson's little corner of the Internet.

"I was recently down in Galveston and it has been over-run," the thread's 10th commenter, styling himself "devane617," clumsily types. "By 10:00am [sic] each day I was there, I rarely saw anything [sic] other than hispanics [sic] with beer in there [sic] hand [sic]. Not a place I would want to carry [sic] young kids."

Goodness. So many typos and such awkward usage. We think "devane617" probably was posting with a beer in his hand.

Then, just a few slots later, "Howie66" answers "devane."

"I will give credit to those in Galveston, though," he says. "They have really made a ton of progress bringing the island back, and it’s cleaning up real nice. I doubt that the same could be said for New Orleans."

Ooooh! That's New Orleans, you know — that place where all those black people live.

And they probably all have peace symbols on their T-shirts.

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