Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Instant Gratification

By Zamboni

We cats have always quibbled with the idea that the Baby Boomer generation — of which President Obama is a member — fancied itself special.

It wasn't just that, as cats, we have shorter life spans than most humans, whenever born. It's just that the Boomers weren't experiencing anything unique — but rather, that they had the time, and the ability, to reflect on what they were experiencing. Perhaps more than any other generation before them.

So as our parents and others before us pass on, at this turning of the calendar year we cats are in a reflective mood.

We think that perhaps our current world is too hurried. In the ability to connect with one another almost instantaneously — a rare privilege indeed — we might be losing the gift of perspective, of being able to view experiences in a certain context. Or at least to pause and privately sum things up before we react.

How ironic, therefore, that the singular talent we perceive in the current occupant of the White House is the ability to stop for a moment, and consider. It's not just that he thinks — a welcome change from the previous Administration — but that he thinks at a measured pace.

We know, folks. It'll take some getting used to. But in the end, we'll all PURR. We cats promise.

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