Thursday, October 21, 2010

Protesting Too Much

By Zamboni

We cats have long been disenchanted with Juan Williams, but deep down we understood that our displeasure wasn't a reason for National Public Radio to fire him.

On the other hand, why any serious journalist would regularly appear on FOX "News," we had no idea. Because of that, and because of Williams' wildly offensive caricature of Michelle Obama as "Stokely Carmichael in a dress," we long considered him a right-wing jerk and secretly hoped that NPR would can him.

Today, we got our wish.

And the right wing is going crazy. (As if they ever listen to NPR in the first place.)

You know what we cats think? That the over-the-top "outrage" of the famous quitter from Alaska, Fat Mike Huckabee and other Limbaugh Loonies confirms what we always suspected: Juan Williams was their pet. One of their own.

The wingnuts didn't complain like this when CNN fired Rick Sanchez. Why? Because they didn't want to appear to endorse anti-Semitism? Sure. But also because Sanchez usually attacked them for their hypocrisy and stupidity. In contrast, Juan — a fellow FOX "News" traveler — allowed them the public pretense of being objective.

Well, now their cover's been blown, and we cats think it's hilarious. We also PURR in the direction of NPR. But overall, we're weary of people demonizing one another on the basis of ethnicity. If it takes a couple of high-profile firings like Williams and Sanchez to make folks think twice about doing that, great. In the meantime, can we just stop?

UPDATE: Coincidentally, an ex-FOX "News" tech is suing the network, alleging harassment and racism. Why aren't Palin, Huckabee and the gang screaming about that? We cats think we know.

UPDATE #2: We cats had no intention of participating in NPR's fall fundraising drive, because we are already members. But thanks to Juan Williams, we just went online and gave an additional gift to our local NPR station. Prediction: Now that FOX "News" has rewarded him with a cool $2 million and guest-hosting privileges on "The O'Reilly Factor," watch for Williams' rhetoric to sink even deeper into the right-wing cesspool — further proving our point.

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