Friday, February 25, 2011

When Madness Goes Mainstream

By Sniffles

We cats are kind of proud that we can still be shocked. After all, it means that we maintain some basic standards of decency. And these days, we need all the decency we can get. Remember when the fringe-y people stayed where they belong — on the fringe? Those days are over.

For example, in Georgia some anti-choicer guy — and they're always guys — wants to pass a law that would criminalize miscarriages. See, it apparently wasn't enough that South Dakota walked back a bill that would have made it okay to kill abortion providers (although Nebraska is picking up that baton, now). Now we have to get the federal government involved in.... miscarriages. Gosh, crap like this makes us cats soooooo glad we are fixed — although a brilliant blogger from RH Reality Check has answered the Georgia jerk with the funniest public discussion of used tampons since Camillagate.

But wait, there's more. Now a teabagger Congressman, also from Georgia — what is it with the Peach State? — has held a town hall meeting at which he was asked by a constituent, "Who is going to shoot Obama?" And, of course, he chose not to rebuke the questioner. "I know there's a lot of frustration with this President," the Republican responded as his audience laughed.

Well, now Mr. Teabagger is trying to make amends. We hope that means he's not only received a barrage of outraged e-mails and phone calls from decent-thinking Americans, but that he's also gotten a visit from the Treasury Department. (You know, that's the part of the Executive Branch that the Secret Service reports to.)

But amends or no amends, we cats are unimpressed. Frankly, we are sick and tired of Republican leaders ignoring or tut-tutting such behavior — or not condemning it until after the fact, when the news cycle has moved on. Their silence is a bare-faced refusal to halt to the hate. Meanwhile, the inflammatory language feeds their bloodthirsty base for another 24 hours.

What cowardice. What shame. Someone on our side needs to have a Joseph Welch moment here. Not just to call out this teabagger Congressman — but his whole goddamn party.

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