Thursday, July 5, 2012

Woe Is Willard: Change-In-Narrative Edition

By Sniffles

Don't think we cats haven't noticed the change in Willard Mitt Romney's political fortunes these last few weeks. We just decided to wait to post about it until we could PURR instead of HISS. (Which we knew would happen, by the way.)

See, back last month, the spin from punditheads like "The Fix" (a.k.a. "Too Young To Know Recent American Political History") and the stenographers over at POLITICO and elsewhere was that Obama-Biden was off message, dealing with stuff beyond its control, mistakenly focusing on Romney's tenure at Bain and just basically getting killed on the issues — whilst the Willard warriors were disciplined, moving aggressively, and transitioning smoothly from the Republican primaries to the general election, blah blah blah.

Well, guess again.

Now, we've got the flap over whether or not Baby Marco Rubio is being vetted for Veep (no, yes, no, yes).

We've got evidence that the Bain ads are doing deserved damage in the crucial battleground states.

We've got Vanity Fair's expose on Willard's offshore financial investments.

We've got Jack Welch and Rupie Murdoch dissing the Romneybots in Boston, and public hand-wringing on the right regarding the state of the Romney campaign.

We've got positive economic indicators from the U.S. Labor Department and from the ADP National Employment Report.

And last but not least, we've got Willard himself, flip-flopping on whether the individual mandate for healthcare is — or isn't — a tax. (Of course, the only people who care about that are teabaggers, but then, Willard is kowtowing to the base, isn't he?)

All these developments are as much an indictment of the media — who run with anything their drinking buddies in the Romney campaign tell them — as proof of how out of touch the Republicans are. Not to mention evidence of how nothing shakes Axelrod, Plouffe and the team in Chicago from their long-term strategy to win in November.

We cats advise the media to get some context, read everybody, and write with an eye to the long view. Your credibility will benefit, we assure you.

P.S. While we're at it, we'd like to know why, if windsurfing in 2004 is inexcusably elitist, is jet-skiing in 2012 not questioned at all? Although both sports have been indulged in by Boston guys with big hair, jet-skiing seems like a mighty hoity-toity (and much less-environmentally friendly) way to spend one's vacation, no?

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