Monday, December 17, 2012

Tidbits and Cat Treats: Republicans Are Anti-Choice So That Babies Can Be Born And Shot Later Edition

By Sniffles

We cats are so disgusted and appalled at what happened in Newtown, Connecticut on Friday that it's taken us a couple of days to wrap our furry heads around it. But this morning, we have a few thoughts. (Most of them angry.) Here we go:

Unlike those idiot parents in Aurora who brought a baby to a midnight movie, the children of Newtown were where they were supposed to be — in school, learning. Sometimes, there just are no words.

Chalk up 26 more bodies on the kill list of the Worst Person Who's Ever Lived, who back in 2004 allowed the assault weapons ban to expire.

Speaking of which, if this incident had been an act of international terrorism, we'd not only be moving heaven and earth to keep it from happening again — we'd be restricting a hell of a lot of Constitutional rights to do so.

We cats can't imagine how the first responder or police official — a public employee, no doubt — who had to inform Newtown parents that their children were killed will avoid intensive PTSD therapy for the rest of his or her life.

So Louie Gohmert (R-TX) believes the Sandy Hook principal should have had a gun. Why do these moronic Republicans think that life is like the movies?

Good for Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, for vowing to introduce a new assault weapons ban. We don't expect any miracles, but we need to get all the gun nuts on the record.

And by the way, not a single pro-gun Republican Senator had the guts to go on the Sunday shows yesterday. Cowards!

Then again, perhaps they sense that the tables have turned. Even somebody on Free Republic, our favorite corner of the paranoid right-wing universe, posted this: "We must have more laws against guns. [Lanza] simply ignored about 20 laws and still went ahead with his plan." NRA, you are on notice.

And finally, to any Republican who has criticized teachers, we cats dump our dirty litter boxes over your head, in your breakfast, and in every single one of your dresser drawers. Although what we'd really like to do is punch you in the face.


The Cranky Copywriter said...

Loved this post and totally agree that the NRA are baby killers. But that shouldn't surpise as as they favorite pastime is killing living things.

The Cat's Meow said...

Just imagine how much money the NRA's PR firm is making this week! It's frightening.