Saturday, April 27, 2013

Tidbits and Cat Treats: Hockey Night In Canada Edition

By Miss Kubelik

Okay, we cats aren't really going to write about hockey, even though the Stanley Cup playoffs are set to begin in a couple of days. It's just our way of saying that we think other things are going on in the world besides the silly "White House Correspondents Dinner."

(Jeez — the way the inside-the-Beltway crowd is preening, you'd think that the US didn't have any problems that need to be fixed. Still and all, though, if President Obama gets some zingers off at the Republicans tonight, we'll be satisfied.)

In the meantime, here are a few observations on recent news stories that we'd like to share:

So Barbara Bush says, "We've had enough Bushes"? We couldn't agree more. But doesn't this mean that George P. Bush will have to kill his grandma?

Is anyone advising Mark Sanford? First, the famous Appalachian Trail hiker, in a weird full-page ad in the Charleston Post & Courier, reached new heights of narcissism. The ad was supposed to address his latest domestic travails but, in true Sanford fashion, it just served to stir the pot more. Then, he decided it would be a good idea to "debate" a cardboard cutout of Nancy Pelosi. Gosh! Shades of Willard Mitt Romney's white board (and we all know how well that turned out). We cats think that Sanford is bumbling and clueless because this is his first campaign that his wife — oops, his ex-wife — Jenny hasn't managed.

Now that we know that Anwar Al-Awlaki inspired the Boston Marathon bombers, can we all just shut up about Obama droning the guy to death?

And while we're at it, why do the media keep rushing to get comments from John McCain on Syria? Having chosen Sarah Palin to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, why does John McCain have credibility on any subject?

Finally, we cats find it interesting that four years after the birth of the teabaggers — and heading into a midterm election in which one assumes the Democrats to be vulnerable — the Republican Party still can't seem to find credible Senate candidates in Montana, Iowa and Michigan. We'll keep our paws on the pulse of these 2014 races — but so far, we feel more like PURRing than HISSing.

(IMAGE: "Ron and Don." If you don't already know, believe us, you don't want to know.)

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