Monday, February 23, 2015

That Was The (Bad GOP) Week That Was

By Sniffles

Boy, last week was not great for the so-called 2016 Presidential contenders in the Grand Old Party. Everywhere we cats turned, we saw bad news for Republicans.

First, all signs are pointing to the GOP getting blamed if the Homeland Security Department goes unfunded. Really great timing, considering that US shopping malls are under threat.

And that's just the mess in Congress. On top of that, several passengers in the 2016 GOP clown car made awkward and unwelcome headlines.

An uncomfortable-looking Jeb! Bush blew a speech on foreign policy. Malapropping his way through platitudes and inaccurate ISIL numbers, Jeb! tried to put daylight between himself and the Worst Person Who's Ever Lived by declaring he was his "own man." Unfortunately for him, it was the same day that he released his foreign affairs advisers list, all Bush/Cheney veterans. (The bad press continues today, with The Washington Post's unflattering portrait of Jeb's customs-criminal wife.)

We also learned that in the world of high-rolling Republican fundraising, Chris Christie isn't looming quite as large these days. His off-kilter behavior and late arrival to the dialing-for-dollars game have would-be supporters writing checks to the husband of the customs criminal instead. Boo-hoo for Big Boy!

And of course, nothing beats the never-ending idiocy of Rudy Giuliani, or the ham-handed handling of it all by the cross-eyed college dropout, Scott Walker. (But Walker is fundraising off it anyway.)

All in all, a pretty bad week. We don't see this one shaping up any better, either — because CPAC convenes on Wednesday. Which means that all the hateful, GOP-primary-friendly but general-election-averse hate speech will just keep rolling along. We cats PURR.

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