Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A New Threat To National Security, Eh?

By Zamboni

The Bannon Administration has suffered a second major Muslim ban defeat, and we cats are thrilled.

On the other hand, there's this:

"Canadian nurses working at Michigan hospitals were shocked last week when border security officers stopped them from entering the US because of changes to their working visas under new immigration policies.

"Staff at Detroit's Henry Ford Hospital heard reports of nurses unable to renew their working visas. Last week, a new Canadian hire at Henry Ford tried to go to work, but was turned away at the Windsor-Detroit border. She was told advanced practice nurses and nurse anesthetists no longer qualify for the working visas because of policy changes under US President Donald Trump...

"Only advanced practice nurses and nurse anesthetists are being rejected. All Canadian nurses working in the US have non-immigrant NAFTA professional (TN) visas.

"An estimated 30,000 to 40,000 Canadians work in the US with TN visas, which allow experts in certain fields — like economics and science — a fast track, provided they have a job offer. Henry Ford Hospital alone has hundreds of Canadians on staff, with about 25 advanced practice nurses or nurse anesthetists with TN visas."

You know what? There's a lot of nasty stuff going on — even more than you think. We cats HISS.

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