Monday, July 17, 2017

Taking Shots

By Zamboni

Our own US Senator aside, we cats are not really used to hearing the F-word in daily political discourse. So when we saw reports that a GOP committeewoman from Nevada had retweeted a message urging John McCain to "just effing die already" — adding, "Amen" — we were a little shocked.

Until we saw that she was a fervent Trump supporter. Then we thought, of course! How lovely these Trump people are.

You know, if there were ever a Republican heresy that Hillary Clinton needed to comment on, this would be it.

She and McCain have worked together. Traveled together. Heck, they've even done shots together. (Yes, it was vodka, and yes, she beat him.) Hillary should publicly embrace McCain now, not just because it would be the humane thing to do but because it would make his life with the GOP crazies even more difficult.

Meanwhile, we're sure that this vile woman from Nevada is poised to run against Dean Heller if he helps kill Trumpcare. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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