Sunday, June 23, 2019

AOC Makes Them Crazy, And That's The Dang Truth

By Baxter

We cats have noted but have not taken part in the raging debate on social media about nomenclature. Mostly because we didn't really care to see tons of right-wing insults in our notifications, but also, we just wanted to sit back, relax and watch Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez drive the Trumpsters nuts. Such fun!

In case you were offline the last few days, here's the deal: AOC called out the concentration camps for migrants at the nation's southern border — and Republicans went wild. They're very sensitive! Liz "Spawn of War Criminal" Cheney scolded AOC and told her to "[learn] some actual history," after which AOC clapped back with "What do YOU call building mass camps of people being detained without a trial?" and "I will never apologize for calling these camps what they are."

Steve King even got in on the act! After he suggested that AOC visit Auschwitz and Birkenau, she wasted no time firing back. "Mr. King, the Republican Party literally stripped you of your Congressional committee assignments because you were too racist even for them," she said. "My Jewish constituents have made clear to me that they proudly stand with caged children who are starved, denied sleep and sanitation."

We can only guess that next year the GOP will have a plank in their platform mandating the wider use of euphemisms. It seems important to them. Perhaps they favor "detention centers," or — who could forget this one? — summer camps? (Camps are okay as long as they're summer.) Remember, too, that this is the same crowd that called torture "enhanced interrogation" (there's that Cheney reference again). And since E. Jean Carroll's bombshell hit the other day, surely Trump-Pence 2020 are busy these days trying to think up alternative words for "rape."

The bottom line, dear fellow Americans, is that we are jailing and tormenting innocent children. And thank God for Congress members like AOC, who gets under the Trumpsters' skin simply by holding up a mirror to their evil. We cats PURR.

UPDATE: The Salt Lake Tribune, in the notoriously lefty state of Utah, agrees with AOC.

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