By Zamboni
Whatever the results of the election on Tuesday, we cats have been giving some thought to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the Democratic campaign. It's been an interesting exercise. We have to say that when it became clear back in the spring that COVID was going to seriously cramp Democrats' style, we felt a little panicked. But much to our surprise, things have turned out rather well.
Here are some of the reasons. (We reserve the right to update this list as more occur to us.)
1. Biden is 77 years old — among the cohort of people at higher risk if they contract the virus. Therefore, we're pleased that he acted responsibly and stayed "in his basement," as Benedict Donald likes to say. But there was an extra silver lining: Staying off the traditional campaign trail helped reduce opportunities for classic Biden "gaffes" — which, as we all know, the media were primed to pounce on. So, screw you, media. No gaffes to cover.
2. Staying off the trail gave Biden more time to fundraise, and in ways he was comfortable with, like Zooming. Trump, meanwhile, doesn't like virtual stuff, so he lost a lot of opportunities.
3. At the virtual Democratic Convention — which was fantastic, by the way — Biden and Kamala Harris both gave excellent speeches that, without screaming crowds, really resonated. You see, when you don't have a raucous audience, your words penetrate more. People have to listen to what you're saying. (Similar case in point: Has John Oliver been hobbled by a lack of studio audience? We think not.)
4. Biden's socially distanced events have ably demonstrated his sense of responsibility in the pandemic. Conversely, Trump's idiotic shitshows have only accentuated his foolhardiness.
5. Finally, here's something we never thought we'd discover and love: car rallies. The honking instead of applause? Just great! Let's keep doing these even after the pandemic. We cats PURR.