Wednesday, April 7, 2021

No Trumpsters Need Apply

By Hubie and Bertie

Before we get to the subject of tonight's post, we just want to say that broadband is infrastructure. And Joe Biden's attempts to boost it in unconnected, rural areas is a gift to Donald Trump voters, not his own. 

Okay — that out of the way, let's all rub our paws together with glee that Trump Administration veterans are getting a cold shoulder from corporate boards. Isn't it delicious? "Roughly half of the S&P 500 companies have filed their 2021 investor disclosure reports, listing a total of 108 new or prospective board members," The Washington Post reports. "No Trump Cabinet officials who served in the final quarter of his term are among those nominated."

Former pooh-bahs in the second Bush Administration, as awful as it was, didn't run into such shunning — even though they had lied the country into a disastrous Iraq War and driven the economy into the ditch. But after Former Guy incited an insurrection against the government of the United States on January 6, Team Trump is bereft of offers. Elaine Chao, Bill Barr and Mike Pompeo are all feeling the pinch.

Boards and companies are clearly feeling skittish about the public's heightened awareness of whom they choose to associate with, and the economic fallout that can ensue from boycotts and protests. Republicans would call this "cancel culture," as we all know. They're currently outraged that Coca-Cola, Major League Baseball, and American and United Airlines have joined the chorus against voter suppression laws. (Pretty rich coming from staunch supporters of Citizens United.)

But what's really being canceled is people's votes, by the GOP. If citizens are barred from the ballot box, one of the last weapons they have is the force of their pocketbooks. We cats say, more power to them. And we PURR.

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