Monday, January 13, 2025

Rubin Leaves WaPo Twisting Slowly In The Wind

By Miss Kubelik

Back in the day, there was no Beltway pundit we laughed at harder than Jennifer Rubin at The Washington Post. Now, thanks to Benedict Donald, she's on our side. If you had told us 15 or 20 years ago that this would happen, we would have said you were nuts.

And that's not all — today, Jennifer Rubin and the Post are no more. When the paper spiked the above cartoon by Ann Telnaes, it was the last straw for Our Jen. Like Telnaes, she's left Bezos World. 

Wasting no time starting her post-Post life, Rubin has joined former White House ethics czar Norm Eisen to create a new media platform, The Contrarian. Contributors to The Contrarian will include folks you'll recognize, like George Conway, Jonathan Alter, Joyce Vance, Sherrilyn Ifill, and Olivia Julianna, that young star from Texas who taught Matt Gaetz a thing or two about fat shaming.

"Corporate and billionaire owners of major media outlets have betrayed their audiences' loyalty and sabotaged journalism's sacred mission — defending, protecting and advancing democracy," Rubin said. "The Washington Post’s billionaire owner and enlisted management are among the offenders. They have undercut the values central to the Post's mission and that of all journalism: integrity, courage, and independence. I cannot justify remaining at the Post."

Amen, JR! Our canceled digital subscription to WaPo runs out soon, and now we don't have to worry about missing her. We cats PURR.

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