Friday, January 10, 2025

The Queue, Carter-Style

"So friends, I ended up in DC last night standing in line for hours into the early morning, waiting to pay my respects to President Jimmy Carter. I was full of mixed emotions. Sadness over where we've been, and where we are going. And yet, after waiting four hours in subzero temperatures (which I do not recommend!) in the middle of the night along with thousands of like-minded people, I felt hope, and uplifted by them.

"I found community. I found people looking out for each other. Talking with each other. Walking with each other. I walked the streets at 3 AM to get to my car without fear, with people looking out for me and me for them. It was overwhelming, and left me with hope.

"There are millions of us. My humble suggestion is to go find them. Be with them. It will help you, it will help them, and I daresay it will help our country. Peace, love and healing to you all."


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