Friday, April 10, 2009

What's That Line About the Pot Calling the Kettle?

By Baxter

"You should not exaggerate and lie... when you are the Vice President of the United States.”

Ah, the deathless words of Karl Rove. If we cats could laugh, we wouldn't be able to stop right now. We assume Mr. Rove — whose body type, now that we think of it, actually resembles a pot and a kettle — was unaware of the irony of that statement when he excoriated Joe Biden on, you guessed it, FOX News.

And we also assume that the crack "news" team at FOX didn't challenge him on it one bit. But any self-respecting journalist would have — which just goes to show you that FOX guys are neither self-respecting nor journalists.

So, little FOX friends, allow us to frame the follow-up question for you. "Oh, really, Mr. Rove? Surely you must be speaking of your own Vice President Cheney, who made 48 false statements to gin up Bush's unnecessary invasion of Iraq."

How soon we all forget. Here are just a few of the choicer Cheney lies:

"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt that he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies and against us." —August 26, 2002

"There's overwhelming evidence there was a connection between Al Qaeda and the Iraqi government." —January 23, 2003

"[F]rom the standpoint of the Iraqi people, my belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators." —March 16, 2003

"I think the jury is still out [on Saddam having WMD]. It's going to take some additional considerable period of time in order to look in all of the cubbyholes and ammo dumps in Iraq where you might expect to find something like that." —January 22, 2004

But of course — as we all know — the CIA's top weapons inspector reported on April 25, 2005 that there were no WMD in Iraq. “As matters now stand, the WMD investigation has gone as far as feasible," he said.

Thanks, but no, thanks, Karl. We'll take Joe Biden any day.

UPDATE: A new CNN poll shows that 72 percent of Americans disagree that the Obama Administration has put the country at greater risk of a terrorist attack. Screw you, Dick.

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