Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Rabbit Season, Duck Season, Liberal Season

By Zamboni

We cats are so sick of liberal losers screwing up. Latest case in point: NPR CEO Vivian Schiller, who has resigned in the wake of a stupid, stupid, stupid thing that her development guy did. (His name was Ron Schiller, but they're not related.) And since it's getting wall-to-wall coverage today, we probably don't need to explain our subject matter any further. Except to say that we hate Ron Schiller.

Yep, we cats are a little hissy about this today. Because not only was Ron Schiller a dumbass, he was apparently the worst fundraiser who ever lived. Was he right about the teabaggers being racist and xenophobic? Absolutely. Was he indiscreet to say so? Yes. But should he have even been talking to a fake donor? Not on your life.

See, back in the olden days when we cats worked in nonprofit development — and before that newfangled contraption called the Internet came along — we had to trudge through a foot of snow to the library to do our donor research. (Well, not really, but you get the idea.) We did our homework. Because we never would have gone into a meeting with a potential contributor without knowing who that contributor was and what that contributor would be interested in throwing money at. That Fundraising 101.

A quick Google search and Ron Schiller would have instantly discovered that James O'Keefe's alleged Muslim charity didn't exist. In fact, Ron Schiller's incompetence is so breathtaking that we cats wonder if it's even plausible. Was he in cahoots with O'Keefe? Is this an inside job? As NPR members, we cats are waiting for an explanation.

But whatever the backstory, we are just plain disgusted with all the continuing, rampant liberal naivete — whether it's ACORN's or NPR's or Planned Parenthood's. Folks, the other side has never and will never quit. Anne Frank was wrong. People are not good at heart, and this, fellow Democrats, is war.

UPDATE: By the way, we cats wonder why nobody is pointing out that posing as a fictional Muslim charity is a racist tactic. Just sayin'.

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