Friday, March 4, 2011

Trying to Out-Quayle Quayle?

By Zamboni

One of the things we cats most resent about Republicans is that they keep making us fight the same battles over and over and over. Whether it's environmentalism, civil rights, reproductive freedom, whatever — they keep trying to turn back the clock, and it drives us wild. This maddening habit of theirs also applies to the media/culture wars. Just take Fat Mike Huckabee's recent behavior as an example.

As if his right-wing code language about President Obama hasn't been revolting enough, now the pudgy preacher has gone after Oscar-winner Natalie Portman for getting pregnant out of wedlock. We cats guess it's one step up from Dan "Potatoe" Quayle ragging on Murphy Brown for her illegitimate child. At least Natalie Portman is a real person.

But we have several questions for the corpulent clergyman.

What business is it of yours?

Did you criticize Bristol Palin for this same offense?

Or do you only excoriate Jewish women for violating your personal standards of conduct?

Oh, and here's more: Is this really about 2012? Are you positioning yourself against the famous killer from Alaska, who obviously was a bad mother to that little slut? Or is this about the sanctity of marriage — say, Newt Gingrich and his 13 divorces?

We cats aren't holding our breaths for the massive minister's answers. But strangely, he's inspired us to comment on the 2011 Oscars for the first time. Congratulations, Ms. Portman — and please, pay no attention to these idiots.

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