Monday, April 30, 2012

Credit Where Credit Is Due

By Baxter

As America rolls into the first anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden, we cats are disgusted at the faux umbrage in the air.

Why shouldn't President Obama take credit for hunting down the September 11 mastermind? Sheesh — isn't that what all the flag decals and the yellow ribbons and the freedom fries were all about?

Especially when we know that if, instead of letting bin Laden slip through his fingers at Tora Bora, the Worst Person Who's Ever Lived had killed him there instead, the Republicans would have immediately repealed the 22nd amendment so he could be President for life.

It's all ridiculous. The Republicans are just furious that Barack Obama has taken the "soft on terrorism" sword out of their hands. And Arianna Huffington? You make us hack up hairballs. We cats HISS at you and dump our dirty litter boxes in your hair.

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