Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tidbits and Cat Treats — The Origins Of The Specious Edition

By Sniffles

Yes, we cats know we've been offline for a couple of days, but there have been many hairballs to hack up, squirrels to snarl at and home-repair people to hide from. So we only have a moment to make the following observations:

We love the fact that, as he criticized the Republicans' punitive budget, the President invoked the name of a world-famous scientist whose otherwise universally accepted theory of evolution the off-the-cliff GOP rejects.

Speaking of the sorry state of the other side, Republican umbrage at the President's Supreme Court remarks is beyond laughable. They sure stop being huffy about "judicial activism" when it benefits them, don't they?

We generally appreciate the efforts of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. But handing out flyers to kids at the White House Egg Roll? That's not going to endear you to the unenlightened, PETA. Find something else.

Finally, we are not going to write about this morning's silly TV face-off because the people involved are unimportant. Our natural selection for morning news programming is NPR anyway.

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