Friday, April 20, 2012

Curse Of The Chaneys

By Miss Kubelik

We cats are appalled by the Secret Service kerfuffle, not because we're shocked that men frequent prostitutes (please), but because it's alarming to think that the safety of the nation's first African-American President could have been compromised at any point.

(You know, guys, if you want to get crazy and shirk your duties, do it when you're guarding somebody who isn't hated as much, okay?)

But here's something almost as bad: One of the principal agents jerks caught up in the scandal is a guy named Chaney (go figure), who everyone has heard of now because he 'fessed up to ogling the famous quitter from Alaska back in 2008.

We cats couldn't care less about that. What does concern us is this tidbit, reported today in The Washington Post: "No one answered the door when a reporter visited Chaney’s home in Northern Virginia. Parked outside was a silver Ford pickup truck, bearing stickers with a colorful outline of Texas, Chaney’s home state, and the mantra 'SECEDE.'”

So. Why is a guy with a "SECEDE" sticker protecting the President of the United States of America? And drawing a federal paycheck for doing it? (Or, on the other hand, not doing it?)

We cats HISS and dump our dirty litter boxes in this jackass's silver Ford. Is it too late for Lon Chaney to change his name?

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