Thursday, August 9, 2012

These Foolish Things

By Miss Kubelik

We cats have been thinking some more about the ever-entertaining mystery of why Willard Mitt Romney won't release his tax returns.

Most folks — quite rightly — are focusing on the big picture: Did he pay taxes? If so, at how low a rate? How much income did he shield? What's he really worth? How much of his wealth is in the Bahamas, the Caymans, Switzerland, etc.? All of those questions are important.

But what about the "little picture"? Are there other items in those returns that are not quite as awful but that are, to use a favorite Willy word, "disconcerting"?

For example, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employee Charitable Campaign actively participates in the annual United Way campaign. As Governor, Silly Willy might even have signed a "support the United Way" letter to state employees. So we wonder whether he himself contributed — or whether, tithed-out by the Mormons, he gave skimpily.

We cats think this is an interesting question, because many United-Way-supported social service agencies help meet the needs of indigent women and children — including providing such women access to reproductive health services. It would look bad if Romney didn't support the umbrella organization for those agencies — but at the same time, it would be anathema to the rabid right-wing maniacs who form the base of today's Republican Party.

On the other hand, since he used to support Planned Parenthood, will we see contributions to them? Horrors!

We cats bet if we could get our paws on this stuff, some of the smaller details could be easily spun to be equally or even more damaging.

In short, when it comes to Willard's tax returns, the little things might be as embarrassing as the big things.

(IMAGE: Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling. For larger, click here.)

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