Monday, August 20, 2012

GOP Is Achin' Over Akin

By Miss Kubelik

Wow! We cats have so much we could write about today, between creepy Republicans talking about rape and drunken, wild and naked Republicans cavorting in the Sea of Galilee. Plus Donald Trump, heading to Tampa! — How can we ever choose?

Actually, it's pretty easy. The Republican convention doesn't start for a week, and the naked Israel stuff isn't going away for awhile. Creepy Todd Akin, however, may only have hours left to live. So we're going with him.

Goodness gracious. The GOP is just tied up in knots, as well they should be. But we cats think that, over and above the Congressman's repulsive comments yesterday, Republicans are missing the point. "He doesn't represent us!" they scream. Oh, yes, he does, dearies. Yes, he does.

So, okay, they're trying to pretend that he doesn't, by diving into a fruitless argument about whether to allow abortions after rape. As far as we cats are concerned, limiting a woman's right to choose, and harassing her if she tries to exercise it, is like raping her in the first place. But, never mind — for now, let's let them fight with one another.

What truly amuses us is that earlier this year, there was some chest-thumping among the GOP punditocracy about how quickly Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill would run from President Obama if he had the — shall we say audacity? — to contest her state in 2012. They were positively giddy when Claire announced she wasn't going to the Democratic Convention. In short, like certain other weasels we know, Republicans were laughing themselves to death over the idea of McCaskill playing hide-and-seek with her President.

Now, we cats guess it's time to ask whether the Romneybots would welcome Akin at their candidate's side if and when Willard or Ryan set foot in Missouri?

The very thought must give Willard the willies!

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