Sunday, January 26, 2014

A Shocking Consequence Of "Education Freedom"

By Sniffles

Oh, dear. The white boys in the Ron-Paul-run Iowa Republican Party are feeling beleaguered again. Why else would they have posted on their Facebook page a "flowchart" explaining who's a racist and who isn't? (For a better look, click here.)

Clearly, Republicans feel burdened by what they consider an unfair, outrageous brand — but nevertheless, the state party rushed to take the flowchart down as soon as possible. An embarrassing end to one of the GOP's worst weeks ever.

Still, while the flowchart is pathetic, we don't find it nearly as objectionable as the statement by the Iowa party chair. "We apologize to those whom were offended," A.J. Spiker said. What?

Look, we cats know that "who" and "whom" confuse a lot of people. But this is just so clearly wrong. (Ah, well. What can you expect from a home-schooling advocate? We cats HISS.)

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