Thursday, October 12, 2017

Ryan Zinke Thinks He's The Queen Of England

By Baxter

Perhaps you remember it actually happening — or maybe you just saw it in the Helen Mirren movie "The Queen" — but Elizabeth II faced a storm of controversy in 1997 when she did not fly the royal standard over Buckingham Palace after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.

That's because the Queen was hewing to tradition, which called for the standard to be raised only when she was in residence. She was at Balmoral Castle in Scotland at the time.

Well, much has changed — but the ever-execrable Ryan Zinke, former Congressman and now an Interior Secretary in a bit of hot water himself, has decided to style himself royal anyway. He flies his secretarial flag when he's in DC!

First, who knew that such a rag existed? Second, who does this guy think he is? Wait, we know.

Hey, Trump voters: Don't ever tell us that this crowd you and the Russians elected are for common folk like you. Their pretensions — like their policies — make us hack up a hairball. We cats HISS.

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