Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Decency Beats The Tiki Torches

By Miss Kubelik

So Chinless Ed Gillespie will not be the next Governor of Virginia, and all is right with the world. Chinless tried to thread that irritating needle that the pundits have been screaming about for two weeks now. They were salivating at the thought that he'd be able to ride to victory using Trumpster tactics — but without Trump.

The needle remains un-threaded. Our former neighbors in the Old Dominion, turning out in record numbers and in driving rainstorms, refused to reward hate and misogyny and a government run by knaves and thieves and gangsters. Heck, even that Neanderthal Republican Delegate Bob Marshall went down in flames to a transgender Democrat (Danica Roem, above) — a delicious fate that the ultra-ultra-right-wing Marshall must find intolerable.

As must the narcissistic sociopath who fraudulently lives in the White House. In addition to his stupid pro-Chinless tweets today, Trump apparently also recorded a robocall for Gillespie. So he was all in. How does he explain a six-to-eight-point loss, especially when the so-called momentum (and the blowhards in the media) were all on Gillespie's side in the run-up to Election Day?

Chinless has now lost two statewide races in Virginia: one in a good year for Republicans, and one in a bad year. (Heck, he's lost this one in what looks to be the start of an oncoming wave.) He lost one election as a conservative, establishment-type dude, which is what he is. He lost the other as a Trumpster. Where will he go from here? FOX "News"? We cats PURR and PURR and PURR.

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