Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Sean Hannity's Optical Delusion

By Miss Kubelik

Well! The Obama-portraits story probably won't have as long a shelf life as the Rob Porter security-clearance scandal — which just keeps getting worse for the Trumpsters. (And ironic beyond words, after all the screams of "Lock her up!" last year.) But for paintings that were unveiled more than 24 hours ago, they're still getting a fair amount of what in the pre-digital age we used to call ink.

It seems that Sean Hannity saw something naughty in the Barack portrait, posted about it on his website, and then tried to remove the post. Clearly he's suffering from the same delusion Paul Ryan has — that the Internet isn't forever. Sorry, Sean, but you've already been archived.

So what we're left with is not just the notion that idiotic right-wing white guys are obsessed with a handsome African-American man's sex life — but that maybe the Obama-ensconced-in-the-ivy-at-Wrigley-Field painting is... well, growing on us. We weren't in love with it at first, but if it's driving the enemy crazy, it must be pretty good.

Meanwhile, we offer this retrospective. It reminds us all how terribly pedestrian Presidential portraits can be, and how, when they digress from the usual — as Obama's has, and as Aaron Shikler's painting of John F. Kennedy did — they can be a lot more interesting. We cats PURR.

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