Thursday, March 28, 2019

Cat Fight! Barbara Bush Vs. Nancy Reagan

By Sniffles

If there's a Washington title more ridiculous than "First Lady," it's the awkward and condescending "Second Lady," right? So stupid. But we cats are highly amused by the upcoming biography, The Matriarch, by Susan Page, particularly the juicy bits about how much the "Ladies" — the First (Nancy Reagan) and Second (Barbara Bush) — hated each other.

Boy, if there's ever a fight you don't want to pick a side in because both parties are despicable, this is one. The first was a third-rate actress and imperious phony, while the second was a self-entitled patrician who styled herself as a tart-but-lovable grandmother because was white-haired and stout. Oh, and as it turns out, she made a habit of compromising her beliefs.

So Nancy kept crossing George and Bar off her White House party lists? Horrors! That must have really hurt in 1985, when our Nation's Capital went batsh*t crazy for the visiting Prince and Princess of Wales. (We know, we were there.) We wish Bar had gotten quite as upset over her and her husband's knuckling under to anti-choice nutbags in the Republican Party. She had believed that women's reproductive decisions were "personal" — "but after her husband joined Ronald Reagan's anti-abortion ticket in 1980, she kept her views to herself."


As for Bar's horror at Donald Trump? We'd bet money that it had nothing to do with a disgust at Trump's general odiousness and everything to do with the fact that he belittled (and beat) her adored and equally self-entitled son "Jeb" in the primaries. And you can draw a straight line from George H.W. Bush's 1988 campaign, with its Willie Horton race-baiting, to the rise of Benedict Donald and his build-the-wall hate.

Finally, although not as important as the enabling the rise of the GOP's new fascism, there's this: An anonymous member of the "Bushes' inner circle" confirms to Page that GHWB had a long-running extramarital affair. (Ugh.) Remembering how aghast the Bushes were in 1992, not just to have lost the White House after only one term but to lose to someone they saw as a lesser man than Poppy, we just have to say that Republicans' hypocrisy continues to know no bounds. We cats HISS.

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