Saturday, March 2, 2019


By Hubie and Bertie

We cats noticed that "Fidel Castro" was trending on Twitter this afternoon. We wondered why. Castro's been dead since 2016. Turned out he was trending because Donald Trump gave a two-hour-plus speech at CPAC today — and people were comparing him to Fidel, who tended to go on a bit.

Yes, folks, two years into the Trump nightmare, we have officially entered Latin American dictator territory.

Did nobody at CPAC have to visit the litter box in those two hours? What if you were a dedicated Trump fan and claimed your seats two or three hours ahead of time? Did you pee in your pants? On second thought, don't tell us — we don't want to know.

It's been a crazy end to another crazy week. But this week, maybe a better crazy than before. Michael Cohen's testimony to the House Oversight Committee has helped lay the groundwork for future Congressional investigations — and possible impeachment — of this Trump kleptocracy. And it helped expose the craven caving to Trump that is the hallmark of today's GOP.

But one thing about Cohen's testimony left us chilled. "I fear that if [Trump] loses the election in 2020," he stated, "there will never be a peaceful transition of power."

It was scary to hear our worst fear confirmed — and by somebody in the know. So we cats appeal to Howard Schultz, Michael Bloomberg, and whoever else might be thinking of mounting an independent bid for President next year: WE NEED EVERY ANTI-TRUMP VOTE IN ONE BUCKET, PLEASE. Thanks, and we PURR.

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