Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Will Kentucky Ditch Mitch?

By Zamboni

It's fun to keep posting fabulous launch videos from Democrats, particularly when they come from great candidates like Amy McGrath. She just declared her candidacy against a Senator who's done more damage to America and democracy than any other member of that previously respected body: Mitch McConnell.

McGrath pulls no punches about McConnell's deep disdain for the rule of law and his eager corruption of our governmental institutions. In fact, in our view, McConnell's perniciousness is worse than anyone's except except William Barr and Benedict Donald himself. He deserves to be taken down, and McGrath is going to be formidable enough that even experts like Nate Silver think she has a shot.

And to further celebrate, consider this: Senator Tina Smith is looking strong in Minnesota, and thanks to demographic changes and Benedict Donald's unpopularity in Texas, Republicans will likely have to expend precious resources to defend the ever-loathsome John Cornyn.

Seeing that news — on the heels of getting our desired candidate in Kentucky — makes us cats, you guessed it, PURR.

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