Wednesday, July 10, 2019

It's Not Their Party

By Miss Kubelik

"North Carolina Runoff a Test of Women's Standing in the Republican Party," the headlines screamed. Well, guess what? Women's standing in the Grand Old Party is pretty damn low.

We know this because that same North Carolina Congressional runoff (to fill the safe Republican seat of a dude who died) was a crushing defeat yesterday for Dr. Joan Perry, the anti-choice pediatrician in whom our New York Congresswoman, Elise Stefanik, had put so much stock. Stefanik is heading up her own PAC recruit more GOP women candidates, after failing miserably to drag most of the 100 she recruited across the finish line last year. Nice going, Elise!

The winner in North Carolina, Greg Murphy, was endorsed by Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan and Rudolph Giuliani, while Perry got support from Liz Cheney, Joni Ernst and Sarah Palin. And the race was not close (60-40). So, score a big one for the boys.

How ironic that the GOP should smack down women in the Tarheel State just as America is celebrating the US Women's Soccer Team with a ticker-tape parade in New York — and right after Amy McGrath rakes in $2.5 million in the first 24 hours of her bid to unseat the ever-evil Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell.

Seems like there's one political party that welcomes and uplifts women and girls, and it's not the Republican one. So what is any self-respecting woman still doing there? We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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